
The firm provides all of its employees with an unusually diverse professional experience - with considerable client contact. We operate in a friendly environment with pleasant working conditions. We welcome applications from persons from all relevant backgrounds and experience at every level.

Any successful applicant, in addition to their core skills, must possess a good sense of humour and a practical approach to working.

For either qualified or trainee actuarial positions, we require a strong mathematical background combined with a wide general knowledge. For such candidates Grade A in A Level Mathematics is our usual prerequisite, as well as a good university degree in a discipline with a high mathematical content. Similarly, candidates for our investment department should possess a good degree with a strong economics or financial content and/or appropriate experience.

In our administration we require a high standard of methodical working combined with an ability to communicate easily with our clients and professional advisors. Candidates with experience are always welcome to apply and, if successful, they will find that they have joined a highly skilled and friendly technical team.

All of our staff need effective communication skills. Work at Nigel Sloam & Co requires the ability to produce and explain solutions to the various problems affecting our clients. This dictates the need for easy presentation skills as well as an excellent technical knowledge base.

We are also always interested to receive applications from secretarial staff for appropriate positions and welcome direct applications.

Nigel Sloam & Co is conscious of its general responsibilities and offers appropriate internships, when and where possible, each year.

Applications for any position may be made at any time throughout the year either on an immediate or deferred basis.

The firm recognises commitment from all of its staff and successful candidates will have considerable opportunities for career progression. Applications should be made in the first instance by clicking here with a CV and covering letter.


For any enquiries please contact us.

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