We offer a number of model portfolios for investment of clients funds - based on our own research and designed to facilitate diversification across sectors and fund managers. These portfolios utilise top performing funds from well established fund managers.
There are five portfolios, at present, available for investment by our clients pension fund and personally - as follows:
- UK Equity Portfolio
- Overseas Equity Portfolio
- Bond Portfolio
- Strategy Portfolio
- Diversified (Formerly Income) Portfolio
Our investment committee meets on a regular basis to discuss investment strategy and the selection of funds for the respective portfolios and any changes. In addition, the past performance of the underlying funds and the overall portfolios are monitored regularly.
One key feature is that we are able to provide access to the underlying funds in these portfolios on very competitive terms - with initial and annual charges being lower on average than would be incurred by going direct to the fund managers. In addition, there are no exit charges applicable.
We would highlight that in current volatile and uncertain conditions, as timing of investments is potentially risky; we believe that it is more appropriate to adopt a drip-feeding into these sectors rather than simply place a lump sum at one time. The level of drip feeding may be changed or stopped completely to suit the changing needs of the investor or changes in market conditions.
We emphasise that investment in these portfolios is made via open ended funds - the values of which could fall as well as rise. It should also be appreciated that past performance is not necessarily a reliable guide to the future.
For further details of the portfolios please contact one of our advisors.