We offer a full investment advisory service for our clients and are able to provide strategy investment advice and to recommend specific structures and investments to suit your attitude to risk and liability profile.
It is important to note that we do not provide discretionary management. We offer investment management on an advisory basis only.
We have constructed a number of portfolios. The portfolios invest in a range of funds in order to achieve diversification. The portfolios are reviewed on a regular basis by our investment research team and the asset allocation is selected by our investment committee.
We also recommend other products from time to time to suit the needs of our clients, if appropriate.
We would highlight that in current volatile and uncertain conditions, as timing of investments is potentially risky; we believe that it is more appropriate to adopt a "drip-feeding" approach into certain sectors – rather than simply place a lump sum at one time. The level of drip feeding may be changed or stopped completely to suit the changing needs of the investor or changes in market conditions.
We recognise that your circumstances may change and we try to arrange investments that offer a high degree of flexibility. Where possible we recommend investments that can be liquidated at short notice without penalty should access be required.