Archive: March 2016
- Mar 22 2016Pension Planning and the NHSWe have developed an expertise in advising clients with medical backgrounds in relation to benefits accumulated in the NHS Pension Scheme as well as in other pension arrangements and the range of options available.
General News - Mar 11 2016Pensions and EmploymentAdvice to EmployeesWhen an employee loses their livelihood as a result of redundancy or unfair dismissal, actuarial calculations need to be made as to the value of the loss of their net income and other benefits, with a view to placing the individual back in the position that would have applied had the loss not occurred. We also advise employees changing jobs on the most sui...... Read moreGeneral News
- Mar 11 2016Pension Planning for Sports ProfessionalsThere is, typically, only a short window in the professional careers of sportsmen or women for making future financial provision. Given the unique and unrivalled contribution, investment and benefit flexibility of pension schemes – plus their beneficial tax treatment – it is vital that full advantage is taken of the pension planning opportunities within this window.Advice ...... Read moreGeneral News